Happy – Healthy Skin

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Skin is our largest organ and as such works very hard to protect from outside aggressions and from losing valuable hydration.

Our job is to look after our it so that it in turn can look after us.

It needs to be able to eliminate waste products through our pores whilst keeping the cells healthy.

If we cover our skin in products with many different ingredients, especially the chemical ingredients which are used to create the type of products which we find pleasing, then the skin must work very hard to remove those ingredients which do not have a skin benefit!

These ingredients include preservatives, emulsifiers, thickeners and perfume. This is a lot of extra work for the skin and could potentially cause problems with its normal function.

There is a very easy solution – only use products whose ingredients deliver a positive action to the skin with nothing extra added.

This is my philosophy when creating my natural soaps and I will only add an ingredient if it delivers a benefit to the skin.

My soaps are gentle and infused with my own recipe aromatherapy blends to allow you to wash your skin with a skin loving blend of oils and butters whilst breathing in the delicate aromas to give a ‘happy skin and mind’ therapy!

If you have not used soap for a while – give it a try and you’ll be surprised at what a lovely experience it is – safe in the knowledge that every single ingredient is benefitting your skin.

Buy my natural soaps online at www.deborahneill.com

Try some of my small guest soaps to get started on your journey to a healthier and happier skin!

Deborah x


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Real Soap